Newspaper Clippings
Subject Source: Local sources
Found in 11 Collections and/or Records:
Box 10, 1939 - 1994
Identifier: S006.06.0010
Scope and Contents
Box ten contains files numbered 611-630 from series 6 and 701-710 from series 7. These files include: 611: NCA Annual Meetings (attended by Toppe) - Program Booklets & Notes (1983-85)612: NCA Visitation Team Exit Interview (1994)613: Faculty Discussion, Reports (1975-81)614: Student/Former Student Surveys - Board Members (1983)615: Student/Former Student Surveys - Seminary Seniors (1983)616: Student/Former Student...
1939 - 1994
Box 11, 1866 - 1992
Identifier: S006.11.0007
Scope and Contents
Box eleven contains files numbered 711-717 from series 7, 801-824 from series 8, and 901-906 from series 9. These files include:Series 7 - Prep School & Almagmation Issues711: Worker Training Recruitment Seminar (held at NWC, June 11-13, 1986), Essays, Reports, Correspondence (1985-86)712: RSVP Committee Re: Prep School Study Committee (PSSC), Amalgamation Proposals - Minutes, Reports, Faculty Surveys (1989)713: RSVP Committee Re: Prep School...
1866 - 1992
Box 21, 1865 - 1971
Identifier: S006.16.0021
Scope and Contents
Box 21 contains file folders 1601-1634 from series 16. These files include:Series 16 - Music1601: Programs from Performances by Outside Agencies Hosted by NWC (1865-1948)1602: Programs from Performances by Outside Agencies Hosted by NWC (1949-1995)1603: Programs, Announcements, and Newspaper Articles for NWC Music Performances (1880-81, 1898-99)1604: Programs, Announcements, and Newspaper Articles for NWC Music Performances...
1865 - 1971
Box 22, 1947 - 1995
Identifier: S006.22.0016
Scope and Contents
Box 22 contains files numbered 1635-1661 from series 16 and 1701-1708 from series 17. These files include: Series 16 - Music1635: Programs, Announcements, and Newspaper Articles for NWC Music Performances (1971-72)1636: Touring Chorus Correspondence, Programs, and Records (1971-72)1637: Programs, Announcements, and Newspaper Articles for NWC Music Performances (1972-73)1638: Touring Chorus Correspondence, Programs, and Records...
1947 - 1995
Box 24, 1872 - 1995
Identifier: S006.17.0024
Scope and Contents
Box 24 contains files numbered 1824-1849 from series 18 and 1901-1909, 1915-1917 from series 19. These files include: Subseries 18b - Year-by-Year Files1824: Annual Athletic Files (1945-55)1825: Annual Athletic Files (1955-65)1826: Annual Atheletic Files (1965-70)1827: Annual Athletic Files (1970-75)1828: Annual Athletic Files (1975-76)1829: Annual Athletic Files (1976-77)1830: Annual Athletic Files...
1872 - 1995
Box 26, 1872 - 2001
Identifier: S006.19.0026
Scope and Contents
Box 26 contains files numbered 2117-2150 from series 21 and 2201-2209 from series 22. These files include:Subseries 21b - Biographical Items & Personal Effects2117: Correspondence Sent with Alumni Profile (1940)2118: 1940 Alumni Profiles & other materials fro Alumni pre 1940 - A-B2119: 1940 Alumni Profiles & other materials fro Alumni pre 1940 - C-E2120: 1940 Alumni Profiles & other materials fro Alumni pre 1940 -...
1872 - 2001
Box 41, 1863 - 1905
Identifier: S006.24.0041
Scope and Contents
Box 41 contains files numbered 2422-2426 from series 24. These files include:Subseries 24b-Miscellaneous Articles & Histories2422: Annual Listing of Information and Events (1863-1987)2423: Various Short Histories of NWC & NWC Organizations (1904-90)2424: Newspaper Articles about NWC and its founding (1965-85)2425: Correspondence between E.E. Kowalke and W.F. Weimar concerning the history of NWC and Dr. Ott (1945-47)...
1863 - 1905
Series 16: Music, 1865 - 1995
Identifier: S006.16
Scope and Contents
Music was an important part of the history of Northwestern College. Performers represented in this section of the archives included the band, orchestra (early years), male choir, traveling choir, individual students, and visiting musicians. Much of the archives consist of programs for concerts and recitals given by these musicians. However, there are also tour advertisements and correspondence, and newspaper clippings. The music archives are divided into (a) visiting artist and (b) NWC...
1865 - 1995
Series 16: Newspaper Clippings, 1912 - 1958
Identifier: B009.16
Scope and Contents
This series consists of newspaper clippings on a variety of issues. One file contatins newsclippings from the 50th anniversary of Northwestern College. One contains articles on fellowship, scouting and World War II, among other subjects. One contains articles on the Lutheran World Federation and the Missouri Synod’s growing friendliness with liberal Lutheranism.
1912 - 1958
Found in:
B009, The John W.O. Brenner Papers
Series 18: Athletics, 1896 - 1995
Identifier: S006.16
Scope and Contents
This series contains files related to Athletics at Northwestern College and Northwestern University. A relatively comprehensive History of Athletics at Northwestern College, written by David Schleusener ca. 1990, is included among the other articles and notes about its overall history. Many of the sports have a listing of their all-time statistics and records. Year-by-year files include homecoming programs, rosters, statistics, newspaper articles, Trojan Sports News and other files. The...
1896 - 1995